Update split HSQLDB?


I am using Libreoffice base (x64) on Windows 10 with a newly splitted HSQLDB v 2.3.2 database.
Is there a reason to update to a later version of HSQLDB (like V2.5) and if yes, is there a recomended procedure to do so with LO?
The reason I would like to do so is that I seem to have problems to connect to standalone forms

Thanking you in advance for any input!


The reason you may want to update to a newer version of anything is the take advantage of fixes and implementation of newer functionality and for databases possibly standards. Review the information from the supplier about what is changed if the version.

Depending upon how you have split your database (the are different methods), it is usually replacing the hsqldb and sqltool jar files. Again depending on the split method, these files may be in the driver subdirectory.

That answers the actual question.

As for your reasoning, have seen nothing to indicate this would create a connection problem. Have used many different versions and don’t recall any problems in this regard. Go back to the original post on this and note the split method used. It would also help if you post a copy of one of the standalone forms you are having problems with.

@ratslinger many thanks for your answer. This will help a lot. btw I didn’t realize I did ask 2 questions, I will check on the update part first and let you knowhow that goes. For the second part, the forms are working within LO Base but each time I create and want to connect a standalone form, I receive an error message telling me that the connection could not be established.

@Ratslinger I did the update by replacing hsqldp and sqltool jar files and this works fine. I tested this on a second computer and it does work also to make the connection with standalone forms but it still doesn’t work on my main PC. Probably some issue with the LO setup on my main PC. However, I decided that doing a switchboard and standalone form was too much hassle and I want to avoid having too many macros for now etc… So I am happy by using the database through the LO Base GUI.