On Update Toc with LibreOffice Command, there is a working solution (Many thanks to ChanMo!!!)
Create a macro module in libreoffice or add the following code in an existing module (eg. “Standard.Module1”).
REM ***** BASIC *****
Option Explicit
Sub UpdateIndexes(path As String)
'''Update indexes, such as for the table of contents'''
Dim doc As Object
Dim args()
doc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromUrl(convertToUrl(path), "_default", 0, args())
Dim i As Integer
With doc ' Only process Writer documents
If .supportsService("com.sun.star.text.GenericTextDocument") Then
For i = 0 To .getDocumentIndexes().count - 1
Next i
End If
End With ' ThisComponent
End Sub ' UpdateIndexes
Save the module and run the macro on your file with this command line:
soffice --headless "macro:///Standard.Module1.UpdateIndexes(/path/to/file.odt)"
Note: Here, we suppose that the macro is in the module “Standard/Module1”. Change the path if necessary.