Upgrade suggestion

LOVE the latest upgrade to the <FIND & REPLACE> function !
A suggestion;
After doing a <FIND> , little colored box that appears should either say <FOUND> or <NOT FOUND>, possible a unique color …
After doing a <REPLACE> , the little box that appears should either say <REPLACED> or <NOT FOUND>, possible a unique color.
After doing a <REPLACE ALL> , the little box that appears shouls either say <REPLACED ####> or <NOT FOUND> , possible a unique color.

This would be helpful for those of us that use these functions ofter.

Keep up the GREAT work,
⌡im [THE BookMan]

[LeroyG added preformatted text marks]

Don’t you have virtually this already?
I don’t see just a Find button, the nearest is Find Next which will find only one at a time and highlight it in the text. If it is not found then a coloured box comes up and says Search key not found
If I click Find All or Replace All, then a dialogue appears that says how many it has found and where

you mean, more than often ? :wink: