With help of this forum my understanding of templates increase and I could make a good template, which I used for multiple documents. I created e default template with the extension .ott. Creating a new document will use this template, so this is good.
The template must be equal for all this document. Now I noticed a minor change has to be made. But a change it the template is not effective in my other documents, using the same template. I now, from the past, that a template can be linked to a document, because sometimes I get a message like “template is updated, would you like to use the updated template?”
So it exist in LibreOffice, but I do not know how.
When I check my documents with Menu → File → properties the field “template” is empty. So there seems no template to be assigned. This is the same for all the others documents using this template. So I would like to assign this template to the documents. So a change to the template will effect all others documents with the same template, which is my goal.
In the end I would like to have one master document (.odm) , with the same template as the detail documents (.odt) as chapters. So in the chapter I can see f.e. to reduce the content with one line so it would fit in one page less. This results then identical in the master. If these templates are not identical then, when editing the .odt document I do not know for sure how it will look and fit in the .odm document.
I found a similar question in 230872/assign-a-template-to-a-document But the advised DocumentTemplateChanger extension link does not work, nor can I find this in the LO ExtentionManager So this does not work. Also personally I would like to reduce external extensions as much as possible.
An other answer is 69314/how-do-i-assign-a-template-to-a-document has one complex, and error phrone manual solution, and further also refer to this DocumentTemplateChanger extension.
But this is weird. I do not have this extension and still, in the past, I got the message like “the template has changed, do you like to update”. I recall, but I do not know for sure, this even happened in LO 7.04.2 the current version I use. If the extension would be the only solution, I could not have gotten this message.
(links edited by ajlittoz to make them more descriptive)
(added master document section to be more complete)