I find myself wanting to do this a LOT. I want to alter the left indent of the paragraph but leave the first line in place. There are three markers on the horizontal ruler:
- first line
- left indent
- right indent
which map to the paragraph formats:
- Indent, First line
- Indent, Before text
- Indent, After text
Alas moving (dragging) them has these affects:
- first line marker - dragging it moves just that marker
- right indent marker - dragging it moves just that marker
- left indent marker - dragging it moves just that marker AND the first line marker
This last behaviour is very irritating! I would like to be able to move the left indent marker WITHOUT moving the first line marker. But I find no way to do it, not by dragging with SHIFT, or CTRL, or ALT held down nor any combination of them while dragging helps. Grrrrr.
Is there no way to do this? And if not, can we turn this into a feature request?