Use of any function in Report design results in immediate crash - any suggestions?

Base - English version on W7 64bit with plenty of spec. Trying to migrate from Access to get away from MS. Have brought over data and created forms, but whenever I try to design a report, I get an immediate crash as soon as I try to use a function. Trying to group data by YEAR drawn from Date field. As soon as I choose YEAR and hit “next” (or double click YEAR), I get a crash followed by successful recovery. Have tested on several other functions with same results. Please help! Without reports, Base is useless to me. I don’t want to have to revert back to Access.

Yes, it crashes for me too, annoying, glad I don’t use that feature. Have you tried offloading the function onto a query, rather than trying to execute in the report itself? Like, add a field in a query, YEAR(Date) and then limit the use of the report functionality to grouping?