If I use a PPA to install LO 6.4 and have 6.0 installed from the disro, will 6.4 replace the distro or be installed along side 6.0?
if you use Launchpad PPA sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa
(always installs fresh packages) –or– sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-6-4
(sticks with 6.4 release of LibreOffice) you’ll get a replacement of the distro specific packages (The story would be different, if you use native packages from TDF [libreoffice.org].).
Please note This is a statement about how it is supposed to work. No guarantee, but for me it worked on my test system in the past.
Hope that helps.
I used PPA:libreoffice/libreoffice-6-4 at Libreoffice Fresh. When I did an update, I had upgradable packages, but it did not upgrade my distro LO packages. I think I’m going to have to remove the 6.0 LO packages and try the update again. Does that sound like a reasonable approach?
When I did an update, I had upgradable packages, but it did not upgrade my distro LO packages
How did you do that? You are aware of the difference of sudo apt update
and sudo apt upgrade
(The latter one performs the update to 6.4)
Does that sound like a reasonable approach?
You could do so, sure. But it is not how it is supposed to work and if you don’t know which packages you need to remove you may end in a dependency mess (esp. with packages ure and/or unolibs).
I fixed it by running sudo apt dist-upgrade