Using Sum Function yields wrong total

I have a spreadsheet with a column of 44 different dollar amounts. When I tap on the Sigma in the formula bar, then the Sum function, the range selected is only the last few rows in the column, so I’m only getting a partial sum/total of $875

When I use =sum(E1:E44), I only get a partial total of $875. The total should be $6000+.

Are my numbers in the column formatted incorrectly?


How does the color of the values ​​in column E change if you press Ctrl+F8 (or select View - Value Highlighting from the menu)? Are there any cells with values ​​written in black?

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I noticed each number that is NOT being included has an apostrophe or single quote such as:
'$250. The numbers that are included in my sum are just integers.


When I select View - Value Highlighting, the cells that are being summed are in blue, all the others are black - so are text cells. I have no idea how they became formatted that way.


You can try looking through these 23 topics - there’s probably a way to quickly get rid of apostrophes (maybe even multiple times). Or read this one article - it has everything you need to solve your problem.


Thank you for your prompt help!