On a sheet S1, I have a table (T1) with a column of references (C10, c34, etc) . On a second sheet (S2) I have a similar set of references but with more entries than S1.
Sheet Sheet S2
Col A Col:B Col: F Col: G
Row 1 c55 £30 C10 £87
Row 2 c103 £40 c55 £30
Row 3 c87 £100 c103 £40
Row 4 C90 £0 c87 £100
Row 5 C10 £87 c90 £0
Row 6 C25
I am trying to search on col A for the same value in col F and put the value of col G in col B. Black fonts are the givens, red cols are the results.
I have puzzled over LOOKUP, Hlookup and VLOOKUP without any success. Caan anyone help, please?