#VALUE! is displayed, instead of formula

I regularly run into the issue of LibreOffice Calc not doing the calculation I want it to, but instead displaying “#VALUE!” in the result cell.

What causes this?

I create a formula/calculation by clicking on a cell, hitting the = key and then clicking on the cells I want to enter into the formula, and hitting the applicable calculation key (+,-,*, or /) between clicking on those cells. Sometimes it works (displaying the result of the calculation in the cell I entered = in) and sometimes it doesn’t (displaying #VALUE! instead).

I tried selecting Format->Cells->Number but to no avail…

The same issue also occurs when I select multiple cells as part of a calculation.

Please attach a sample file(s), reduce the size as much as possible without private information, and paste in the comment the information in Menu/Help/About LibreOffice, there is a copy icon.

From the HELP:


No value (instead of Err:519 cell displays #VALUE!)

The formula yields a value that does not correspond to the definition; or a cell that is referenced in the formula contains text instead of a number.


Thank you, I saw that. However, I get the #VALUE! issue even when all cells are formatted as number and only contain numbers. E.g. to add cells, I have to click on every single cell individually, if I select multiple ones, like for creating a sum, the result cell will display #VALUE! instead.

Please upload your .ods type sample file here.
And/or check the type the cell contents by the feature “Value highlighting”.

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Just because a cell is formatted as a number and contains only digits, it doesn’t necessarily mean it contains a number. This wiki page might help, How to convert number text to numeric data