Value too long error

I made a form that has around 75 fields based on a table with those fields. I tried to save a record and a popup error window says

Error inserting in to the new record ./connectivity/source/commontools/dbtools.cxx:751

Value too long in statement [INSERT INTO

and then a very long list of the fields followed by a log list of consecutive question marks. So how many fields can you have on a form. What are the limitations so I don’t waste more time making things that don’t work.

The table exists. So there are no limitations to fields in the form. If you get “Value too long” - error you try to input more characters or a number with too much digits in a field of the table.

Switch to the table. Open the table for editing, not for input data. Have a look at the length of the fields (additional information at the bottom of the editor). The length set the limit for all content of the column.
Example: If you try to input 21 characters in a field which is defined for 20 characters the database will refuse the entry.

Ok thanks for the info. I have a date and a time, and then the rest are YES/NO[BOOLEAN] or Text[VARCHAR]. A few of the Text fields were set to 1 character for some reason. I changed all of the Text fields to 1000 characters. At most there is < 100 characters in a field. The boolean vars all have length 0 and I can’t change it. So now I can save this record, but I cannot make a new record. I get the error:

Error inserting the new record ./connectivity/source/commontools/dbtools.cxx:751

Value too long in statement [INSERT INTO

If I click more I see 2 errors the 1st is the above error and the 2nd is:

SQL status: 22001
Error code: -124
Value too long in statement [ INSERT INTO "Weekday Schedule" (

and then again a list of all of the fields on the form.

I checked the date and time formats and I put in exactly what it was expecting.

Ok so I changed all the VARCHARs to LONGVARCHARs and now it adds the new record. Not sure what caused it but that fixed it I think.

Seems you are saving very much text content in the varchar fields. A varchar field in internal HSQLDB has no limits, in internal Firebird it will be 8000 characters. This is more than 2 pages in Writer without any paragraph.

There was little text in the fields, less than 100 char per field in only ~10 fields. I don’t know what is wrong, I just know using LONGVARCHARs fixed it.