Versions of LibreOffice for Ubuntu 22.04


Looks like I have two versions of LibreOffice “ (X86_64)” and “ / LibreOffice Community” installed on my Ubuntu 22.04 system. The LibreOffice downloads website seems to have a “24.2.3” version, but that does not appear in my ‘Synaptic’ package manager. What is the newest version for my system?

For best integration with your OS/distribution, always prefer the distro package management system. This will avoid potential conflicts between different releases. You are under Ubuntu 22.04 which is possibly “end of life”. Consider upgrading your Ubuntu (but, first remove the LO version you manually installed).

With the current distro release, you’ll pick up also current application version.

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Your distrib provides a base version for the release it provides, and then will back port security updates to it for as long as they maintain it. The latest “release” versions are usually provided by Ubuntu’s snap platform. If you don’t like snap, there’s always flatpak, or you might also find a PPA to add to your apt lists with a latest release version of LO.


Since I sometimes am a glutton for punishment, I wonder what would happen if I got the source for ‘24.2.3’ and tried to build it…

Thx for the help.