View All Content Controls?

Can I view all content controls like I can do for sections? Or do I have to select them individually to edit their details and delete them? Is highlighting the text in a rich text control the only way of deleting a control? I found this a bit awkward to do because if the whole thing isn’t selected properly, it still remains.

Please, be more descriptive. Which controls are you talking of? Formatting controls? Form controls? Other controls?

You mention “rich text” which suggests you have an RTF document and thus want to see formatting controls. This is an obsolete alien format.

“Selecting” also hints at direct formatting instaed of using styles. Formatting controls are abstracted into styles, which means you only have to care for styles instead of hunting the controls all over the text.

Don’t forget to mention OS name, LO version and save format.

Rich text content controls.
Windows 10
I’m working on an ODT format file.
I’m also using styles for the fixed and unchanged text in my document (an invoice).

This does not make sense (does npot correspond to any Writer primitive), unless perhaps you’re dealing with an RTF document which is not the case. If you mean formatting controls, there are no such “controls”. You can get an idea of “structuring” controls when you enable View>Formatting Marks but typographical controls (like bold, italic, …) have no visual clues other than their effect.

When working with Writer, don’t think in formatting controls terms. Learn rather how to work with styles, exclusively with styles. If you come from Word world, this will be difficult for you because Word only knows of paragraph styles; everything else is done with direct formatting.

And for your peace of mind, don’t mix direct format (DF) with styles. DF takes precedence over styles and sometimes is difficult to get rid of.

The closest you can get to viewing “controls” is to save your document .fodt and to open it with a text editor. You’ll see the full XML representation but it is not very handy. This is not “interactive” either: since the XML is shown in another application, there is no retro-action on Writer if you change something; you can’t easily correlate position of a “control” with text in Writer; etc.

Tell us what you want to do with formatting controls so that we can suggest an adequate procedure to achieve your goal (which I assume to be different from simply “seeing” the controls).

I’m using “content controls” as they’re described by LibreOffice and all my fixed text is set by styles.


Apologies. But you should have mentioned you’re designing a form. I can’t help you then. When I need a form, I create it with other utilities than Writer. My use of Writer is for textual documents needing nice layout and formatting. If I must interact with a DB, I go with Base for “light” needs and switch to Django or other framework for “heavier” needs.

Can that help?

Content Controls have been available in LibreOffice since version 7.4.
In macros, Content Controls can be identified by the value of the TextPortionType property equal to ContentControl.