View Impress Slide Show in Black and White

Somebody has sent me some .ppt files with a blue background with yellow test. I find this difficult to look at, so I have flipped on the Black and White view mode.

This works fine until I switch to presentation mode (using the [f5] hotkey), at which point the view mode reverts back to its former blue and yellow glory.

How can I view a .ppt in black and white in presentation mode?

I’m using Version (Build ID: 360m1(Build:2)) on Ubuntu 12.10.

Hi @mrblurgle,

This sounds like a bug in the b&w view mode.

If installing the latest release doesn’t seem to fix this problem, please file a bug and provide a list of steps that can reproduce your problem. The QA team will be happy to help you track down this issue!

Please post a link to any bugs you file in a comment below using the format “fdo#123456”.


@mrblurgle – Did my Answer work for you?

I’ll try the nightly build PAA and get back to you -

@mrblurgle – How did the nightly builds work for you?