View Text Boundaries vs. View Table Boundaries

Ran into some weird behavior with some of the View settings in Writer v7.2.6.2 and want to make sure I’m not overlooking something before I report this as a bug.

“View Text Boundaries” shows shadow lines around table boundaries & frame boundaries, and shows those little corner shadow lines at the corners of page boundaries.

“View Table Boundaries” appears to have no impact on whether table boundaries are shown, regardless of the setting of “View Text Boundaries.”

Did I miss something, or is there a bug in that second option?

For me ( it works as expected.
You can try restarting in safe mode (menu Help).

No Bug!

The View>Table Boundaries function only makes sense if you have not added a border to the table.

With Table Boundary ON the cell borders become light gray and with
Table Boundary OFF everything is white.

You can then only possibly recognize the table if you have turned on the formatting characters (Ctrl+F10).


Okay, this is weird…

I opened a new document to test this out and post back screenshots, and now it works as expected. Table boundaries only appear if “Table Boundaries” is ON, and it doesn’t matter whether “Text Boundaries” is on or off.

Then I went back to my original document, and I’m still experiencing the bug. “Table Boundaries” has absolutely no effect on whether the shadow lines appear (all of my tables in this document are without borders).

I have no idea how the bug could’ve gotten stuck in the file, but I guess I’ll just have to rebuild everything over in a new file—something I’m not exactly looking forward to, given the need to rebuild my styles & fight with frame positioning again.
If it matters, I started this file about a week ago, and I’ve since updated to 7.2.6. I think the previous version was 7.2.2, but I can’t be positive.

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The frame positioning issue can be solved elegantly with frame styles. This supposes all your frames sharing a style have the same position characteristics.

Do you saved the file as .doc(x)? Or edited it with a different program?