Hello, I am trying to build libre office on windows 10. I downloaded cygwin and all packages for it. Also I have VS 2019 with older build tools, specially for this project (and I’ve downloaded VS 2015 too). What is I trying to do is to get Libre office working with visual studio. I have been put this into cygwin console after running autogen.sh:
/opt/lo/bin/make vs2015-ide-integration
And I got plenty of projects inside LibreOffice.sln. The problem is that I cannot build them, well, most of them. I can build soffice, but It provides only dlls, as I understood (correct me if I wrong) but I want to build something executable. I looked at soffice_bin, but It reports on build /usr/bin/sh: line 1: C:/sources/LibreOffice/instdir/sdk/bin/cppumaker.exe: No such file or directory
. Okey, looking for something named cppmaker. I’ve tried to build it and got linker error based on absence of iunoid1.lib.
How to figure out proper dependencies in VS? They are all empty. Probably some documentation? I will try to do everything from the beggining, probably I missed something.
I want to make everything as in this video https://youtu.be/Xn3CtIrMpIA