vlookup is wrong when using "Data Sources" data

In Calc if you hit [F4] you open the “Data Sources” view which shows Base databases, queries etc. I run a query, copy all of its resulting data and paste into a Calc as:

#|  A    |  B
1|  ABC  |  123
2|  XYZ  |  890

I create a vlookup: =VLOOKUP(“XYZ”,A1:B2,2)

What I expect to happen is, vlookup will find “XYZ” on row2 and return the value of the data in row 2, column 2 (aka B), which should be “890”. What actually happens is, vlookup finds “XYZ” on row 2, but returns data from row 1, column 2, which is “123”.

I can ‘fix’ the result to be what I expect if I delete the heading of column B (and shift cells up, effectivley offsetting the data by 1 row). In my limited experience, vlookup works as expected in every other situation as long as the array data it is using has NOT come from a “Data Sources” source.

Does any of this ring true for anyone else?

Edit: Just to make it plainly clear what I’m seeing


Above is the data in columns A and B and the vlookup formula. Below is the result of the formula. The only difference between the 2 images is I toggled showing formulas with ctrl+~.


If it’s any help, creating the same query from the same data in MSQuery and using the same vlookup formula in Excel works as expected.

Hi @Stuzz, please what is your LibreOffice version and your Operating System?

Oh yes… I knew I forgot something:

Win7 Pro SP1 32-bit

LibreOffice Version: Build ID: 05dceb5d363845f2cf968344d7adab8dcfb2ba71

(I recently upgraded from 4.1.x to see if this was fixed)

I have just verified with Win7x64 LibreOffice, over a range from Bibliography and I can’t reproduce the issue.
Looking for text, except you are sure it is sorted, it is useful the fourth parameter with zero, to fix searched data as unsorted.

Okay, thanks @mariosv, that’s a big help. I just tried with Bibliography myself and all looks fine. I also tried with another datasource, which was fine, and a different table from the issue-causing datasource and it also was fine. Not sure what to do the fix the problem, but at least I can look in the correct direction now.

edit: Actually I still have no idea what’s going on and where the problem is. Will futz about some more.