Ok, I have a spreadsheet with a grid of numbers (17 columns, and 200 rows, if that matters) that correspond to some text (also in spreadsheet) to right of numbers. The numbers should already be unique (just all jumbled up)
- 1 60 76 91 131 162 177 text-fieldUNO text-field-DOS
- 2 61 77 92 132 163 178 text-unique text-again-unique
- 3 62 78 93 133 164 4566 more-text etc-etc
QUESTION: I need to get output as follows:
- 60 text-fieldUNO text-field-DOS
- 61 text-unique text-again-unique
- 62 more-text etc-etc
- [then continuing on consecutively to the last number:]
- 4566 more-text etc-etc
I’ve read all the vlookup, hlookup, lookup, array, etc pages, but my brain isn’t getting how to easily get from the giant grid (because vlookup only pulls from the first column and it cannot search a comma-separated-list) to an ordered list that spits out the text fields that appear to the right on same-row.
The output DOES NOT need to be sorted (I can easily paste to another sheet and sort by column, but it has to dump each unique number from 60 to 4566 along with the corresponding text that’s on the same line as the number. Just looking for some fast help pretty-please?