Large spreadsheet with multiple pages. Databases are on back pages in the same file. VLOOKUP to those pages worked in Excel, Quattro Pro/Windows, and all SCALC (OO/LO) through LO 4.1. Now it mostly (but not completely) fails returning ‘N/A’. What changed and do I have to completely rebuild the spreadsheet (big job!) to fix it (or downgrade back to 4.1)? Release notes mention something about VLOOKUP changes (shared strings? with what?) for faster searching but no details. Sample VLOOKUP syntax (which works in some cells but not in others, with no changes other than the cell reference for lookup):
=IF(E20<100," ",VLOOKUP(E20,$Accounts.$A$1:$B$139,2))
Note: all cells being used as references are numeric, not text. All cells in the search column in the databases are numeric. And the database is sorted on that column. The result should be the text which is in the second column of the database; works about 1/2 of the time.