[W/ SAMPLE] Printing: hidden sheets still prints, and sequential page numbering accross multiple sheets issue

Hello !

I have a Calc document with 30+ sheets, each formatted to fit on a single page when printed out.

I encountered two very peculiar issues today and I hope you’ll be able to help me figure out what is going on.

I have 4 page style:
Default, Landscape, PortaitSTD, Report

  • I didn’t touch default, and it is set to the first page of the document
  • PortaitSTD have page numbering
  • Landscape/Report is a landscape page - Only 2 or 3 sheets have this across the document. and I think one of them is not even used.

First issue - Hidden sheet still prints.

When trying to print to PDF, and in the print preview, only the first page have the page number at the bottom right.

I would like for the first printed page to have a page number of 1, the second printed page, 2, etc…

  1. I made sure the style had page numbering
  2. I selected a couple of page and double-clicked on the page style again
  3. I also clicked the “Update style” button while the pages and the correct style was selected.

The issue persist.

To replicate in the document below:

  1. Hide all sheets except the “1” after the red sheets at the start, and maybe one or two after that
  2. Select Print > Print all sheets

Second issue - Page numbering

I have a table of content that I manually adjust depending on which sheet I need to print, sometimes Sheet 6 needs to be hidden, so I hide it also from the table of content and recheck all the page numbers on the TOC.

But today I needed to hide the TOC, and some other sheets, and they still appear when printing.
If I hide all sheets except the first one, I still see 4-5 sheets in the pdf.

Print sheet 1-30 > Print all sheets > Only page 1 have a page number
Print sheets 5-30 > Print all sheets > Only page 1 (sheet 5) have a page number


I’ve removed everything and labelled/numebered each sheet so you can test and have fun (and hopefully find a solution)

Test Template Page numbering and hidden sheet.ods (223.6 KB)

Respecting filters is an old topic. I asked someone in 2010 for a filtered set of 40 lines to process them and what he saved was the whole 800 records dataset (Excel).
IMHO you need to use print-ranges to exclude parts of your document from printing. And this is independent from hiding sheets. Even visible sheets may only print in (defined) parts -quite useful.
For something like your task I use the option to print only selected sheets in the print dialogue. Obviously I have to select the sheets accordingly before using Ctrl-P

PS: I didn’t check your document.

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Thanks, I’ll resort to select all the sheets (20-30 of them) when printing, it’s just a pain to be honest :joy: