Make a copy of your file to test.
Open the content.xml subfile (I used Wordpad, but could be a simple text editor), and delete <style:text-properties fo:color="#000000"/>
Worked for me.
Delete the two occurrences of fo:color="#000000"
in the content.xml subfile, and the first one in the styles.xml subfile.
text_LeroyG.ods (18.8 KB)
Your query is not about that, but I would recommend doing this type of text job with Writer. Character styles would make it easier.
I get
The file ‘text.ods’ is corrupt and therefore cannot be opened. LibreOffice can try to repair the file.
The corruption could be the result of document manipulation or of structural document damage due to data transmission.
We recommend that you do not trust the content of the repaired document.
Execution of macros is disabled for this document.Should LibreOffice repair the file?
I say yes, and get
The file ‘$(ARG1)’ could not be repaired and therefore cannot be opened.
I must be doing it wrong. I extracted the file I posted with 7zip, and edited the two files. There were two occurrences of fo:color="#000000"
in styles.xml, so I replaced it with an empty string, and left the other one. Then I turned the folder into a zip file, and renamed it.
I also tested with 7zip.
I don’t renamed the file. Once opened, selected the subfile, and edited (F4).
After closing, was asked to replace the original subfile.
See if there is a space where fo:color="#000000"