website suggestion

as you ask a question here, there is a field for tags.
I’ve made the mistake of leaving that field blank and been met with a suggestion in red font that I must have a minimum of {common, writer, calc, etc.}

I do not ask a lot of forum questions, so I always forget these minimum tag requirements, although I remember I must add a tag, so I put in a tag of my own choosing, also to be met with the reminder string. So for me, adding tags is a HUGE speed bump. Never a pleasant experience. I always have to return to the tag field and enter that minimum.

Why don’t you add the string to the form permanently, so that this suggestion is always showing? You could start them in black font and change them to red font if they need to be emphasized when the person forgets. Or leave them in red font continually. There is not much on the form that is already in red font.


Retagged to meta, since post is not related to LibreOffice software at all (common) or one/more module(s) of LibreOffice(writer,calc,impress,…), but to functionality of this site.


don’t expect any changes to this site, but read the heading:

Tags may be seen by nowcomers as a hindrance but they are really useful to regular contributors.

Many of us monitor a reduced set of “mandatory” tags. These define the broad topic of the question.

As an example of general misunderstanding, you tagged the present question common, meaning the problem you mention occurs in all applications of the LO suite, which obviously is not the case. All questions not related to LO, e.g. policy, this site, … should be tagged meta.

To see how unfriendly the site engine is, I let you retag your question. Once you have erased the faulty tag and added the correct one, you’ll have to type at least one space to disable the suggestions and press twice Enter!

Compared to StackExchange which uses the same engine, AskLO suffers from poor configuration. Tags have no description (apart from a few of them in a deeply buried page) which would explain their usage. Any user can create new tags, which pollutes the dictionary with plural/singular forms, composed words vs. individual words, abbreviations vs. long words. This dwindles the advantages and benefits of tags.

It would certainly be difficult to add any default tab because a question may address any topic. In addition, I don’t know of any person in charge of managing this site.

Finally a change of engine is scheduled for next August. Since I lost my credentials for the prototype site, I don’t know how it looks now and if tags will still flag questions.

I think that nobody at TDF infrastructure will care to take your suggestion in consideration due to the planned change.