What are the executable names for the libreoffice component under linux

Some time ago, I could starte OpenOffice.org Writer by typing oowriter in the terminal, oocalc for Calc etc.

I noticed that since I use libreoffice these don’t work anymore.

I tried lowriter, lwriter, even swriter as suggested on some random forum, but none of these work.

What are the new executable names ?

On an older Debian and OpenOffice 3.2.1 the commands oowriter and oocalc are shell scripts that run the commands soffice -writer and soffice -calc.

The equivalent commands on a newer Debian running Libreoffice 4.1.1 are either libreoffice --writer or soffice --writer and either libreoffice --calc or soffice --calc. The actual executable is /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin.

If you like to type as less as possible an alias (Linux command) can be used.

Sample: alias oowriter=‘libreoffice --writer’

You can also save this command in your /home/<your_username>/.bashrc file and each time you open terminal this alias is preserved.