What ever happened to Mauricio Baeza Servin?

I’m looking for the latest version of Mauricio’s book “Aprendiendo OOo Basic” in ODT format because I’d like to translate it into English.

I happened across his profile here in the forum and saw that he hasn’t been online since Jul 30, 2021.

Anyone know what he’s up to now or how to contact him? Also, does anyone know where to get the latest version of his book as ODT?

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I just found the book in ODT format here: libreoffice-books/source/es at master - elmau/libreoffice-books - Git para Cuates

Perhaps also Manual de OpenOffice/LibreOffice Basic - OOo / LibO Basic or other options from a web search

There are links on that page to download the book, but I’m afraid they are dead.

So I found the book. Does anyone know anything about Mauricio’s whereabouts?

Guru @elmau was seen 2 days ago. :slight_smile:


Ah ok, I guess he has multiple accounts then? Profile - mauricio - Ask LibreOffice

He lost acces to this account when migrating to the new ask site.

I think his account is @elmau.