What happened to Open Sans


What happened to Open Sans font with LO ?

I updated to the new LO6: the process just silently removed my Open Sans font. Note that Open Sans was a font that I installed manually, it was not placed on my system by a previous LO release, in my case.

Now, I tried to open an old document containing text featuring Open Sans font and it is simply replaced with Open Sans semi-bold! The latter is a font weight that I manually installed as well. It probably survived the LO update because this weight was not part of the LO font bundle.

There are 2 things here:

First, LO uninstall (and re-installation) should not remove system fonts without prompting. In my case, Open Sans was a font that I installed manually, now it is silently removed by a software update. This is far from ideal.

Secondly, this is a personal opinion but removing Open Sans from the LO font list looks like a wrong move (no doubt there are good reasons behind this… but why?)

Apart from this little inconvenience, the new LO seems great. Thank you

Best regards,

LO - 64bits - Windows 10

Thank you for the link to the background reasons. Open Sans was replaced with Noto Sans, which is acceptable (also, both provide a nice italic, compared to Droid Sans which doesn’t).

Of course, I reinstalled the font manually as soon as I noticed it was gone. I preferred to get it at its source however: www.opensans.com. More precisely: open-sans.zip and open-sans-condensed.zip

Note that PT serif was removed as well from LO 6.0. I get it back on my system from fonts.google.com.

Still, the point I really want to highlight here is that LibreOffice 5.4 uninstaller (and any future LO uninstallers) should not remove fonts from the system without prompting. This is not a nice practice for the people who use those fonts with other software: suddenly, there are gone and the users might not relate the root-cause with LO update.

I can understand that the LO team would prefer an uninstaller that does not ask anything to the user. But in that case, the default behavior of the uninstaller should be to keep fonts on the system.

Thanks I am impressed with the quality of the answer.

See this page for the reasons behind the decision.

Download the Open Sans family from Font Squirrel.