What happened to Open Sans font with LO ?
I updated to the new LO6: the process just silently removed my Open Sans font. Note that Open Sans was a font that I installed manually, it was not placed on my system by a previous LO release, in my case.
Now, I tried to open an old document containing text featuring Open Sans font and it is simply replaced with Open Sans semi-bold! The latter is a font weight that I manually installed as well. It probably survived the LO update because this weight was not part of the LO font bundle.
There are 2 things here:
First, LO uninstall (and re-installation) should not remove system fonts without prompting. In my case, Open Sans was a font that I installed manually, now it is silently removed by a software update. This is far from ideal.
Secondly, this is a personal opinion but removing Open Sans from the LO font list looks like a wrong move (no doubt there are good reasons behind this… but why?)
Apart from this little inconvenience, the new LO seems great. Thank you
Best regards,
LO - 64bits - Windows 10