What happened to the Tango style in 7.0.4?

Mac osx 11.2.2
After installing Libreoffice 7.0.4 I only found Breeze, Colibre, Elementary, Karasa Jaga, Sifr and Sukapura.
Is there a way to import additional styles like Tango to the Icon Style list in Preferences?

Have you tried this extension?

I don’t know if it works in LO7.0, although from the comments there it seems to work fine.


see LibreOffice 7.0 Release Notes - Icon Theme, which states:

The unmaintained Tango icon theme was removed from core, but is still available as extension. tdf#132022 (Rizal Muttaqin, Heiko Tietze)

(The link to the extension has already been given by @ve3oat in his comment above).

If you don’t know how to install extensions on LibreOffice, you may want to read How to install LibreOffice extensions - The Document Foundation Wiki

Hope that explains what happened to Tango style,