What is the best way to make a hockey stick shape?

Hi! I have trouble deciding how is better to model a hockey stick in LibreOffice Draw. My drawing process starts and progresses like this:

  • I create two rounded rectangle shapes
  • Merge them
  • Remove impurity at the bottom where they were connected
  • Rotate top points of the object to get hockey stick like look

Until I have an issue that the left bottom corner of the shape is wrong. After it to fix it, I removed points and fixed the node handle like this:

What bothers me that it’s not 100% precise. Is it an okay solution or there are better options?

I don’t think

  • that there is a best way.
  • that Draw has specifically appropriate tools for the job.

But I feel sure

  • that you always should attach your file (possibly images included) instead of pasting an image.
  • that graphics of the kind is some artwork for which you will need
    – skills
    – time
    – ideas and
    – patience.

disask118867HockeySticksIce.odg (11.9 KB)

I would recommend doing an ink drawing.

Category:Ice hockey sticks - Wikimedia Commons