According to the information published on the official website in the “Licenses” section LibreOffice is free software and available under the terms of the Mozilla Public License v2.0 (MPL v2.0). Full text of the license agreement is reproduced below on the same page.
We know that LibreOffice was relicensed from LGPL to Mozilla Public License in 2012.
But up until now, on the Russian version of the website it is stated that the source code of LibreOffice is the subject to the LGPL v3. Also, the website asks to read the LGPL, terms of which “are applied to LibreOffice” (see О нас » LibreOffice).
In our opinion, these two statements from the official website and the website bring inconsistencies for software users and create legal inaccuracies.
We ask you to clarify the situation and answer which of the licenses is valid for the LibreOffice software code base.