Hi all:
I like to use the libreoffice 5 and 6 on the same HighSierra MBP.
In general terms, I mount de image disk, copy the executable to the desktop; then rename to LibreOfficeX where X is 5 or 6 according to the version I use. Then I droped it on the Applications Folders.
To download them use waterfox with downloadthemall extension which automatically computes the checksum and verified it.
From version 6.0.X I have the problem when I launch libreoffice6 the O.S says “LibreOffice6” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash.
Don’t forget that downloaded dmg is verified and match the posted checksum… my shasum -a 1 soffice says
2abc5a0d0da6621948fd731835b0fbebb781e9b9 soffice
So can anybody confirm if its correct that checksum ?
I have downloaded from other mirrors and the same checksums appears at the downloaded dmg file and binary file.