What is the sum() of a column of dates?

Just noticed this. Anybody got any ideas on which year the sum may be referring to?

No. =SUM(A1:A45) and format as date.

Better still, reduce number of calculations and you will see the full date.

why ask nonsense… its a date roundabout (44 * 120) 5280 years in the far future.

**because Date zero in LO is 1899-12-30 (121 years ago)

I was just intrigued/amused. It seemed a bit like “what do you get if you add New Year’s Day and Easter Sunday together” Is it perhaps Christmas Eve

That I didn’t know - something learned

Wasn’t quite sure whether there was a genuine reason for calculating or even displaying the statistics. Min yes, Max Yes, Count yes but average and total seem peculiar. Not so much Average but Sum()?

LO displays the statistics $user have choosen, it doesnt know about the ‘sense’ summing Dates.

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like everywhere Nonsense in →→ Nonsense out

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As I said, I was intrigued because when I noticed it, I compared it with Google Sheets and they dynamically exclude the nonsense from the list of possible statistics.

Just a leftover statistic from enquiries on numbers that would have produced meaningful results

The sum of dates is the sum of day numbers.
Day zero: 1899-12-30
1: 1899-12-31
2: 1900-01-01

44529: 2021-11-29

Leap_Year_Bug.ods (30.3 KB)
demonstrates why Calc’s day zero 1899-12-30 is compatible with Excel’s day one 1900-01-01.

@Villeroy Interesting sheet.
As with all good responses it prompts another question.
Has LO catered for the fact that only 5 of the next 22 turns of the century will be leap years? Or is the general consensus that we may be looking at a different product by then?

Confirmed - it is aware

Seems Excel has been updated to accept reality as well

To be fair …AFAIK Excel was aware of the non-leap-years, but for compatibilty-reasons with its Predecessor? they decide to takeit over. ( sorry, dont find the source of that information )
Edit: her is one source