What's exactly automatized with table alignment automatic

Still not grasping in which value table alignment automatic compared to 'left (or from left) or for RTL right for from right (with relative checkbox checked)

So why isn’t Left (or Right) with relative checked by default (depending on profile, but automatic)

OK, automatic does disable some field in the UI? Or is there a bigger difference?

Automatic alignment implies the table extends from margin to margin. Whenever you change a column width, width of columns after this one (depends on writing direction; columns at right for left-to-right) are recomputed so that the table remains margin-to-margin.

With other alignments, you define the table width. It can be narrower than the area between the margins or it can overflow in the margins. You decide according to your needs.

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That’s a really fast reply.

I should have phrased my question differently Would “table left, with relative checked” behave differently from automatic (and if so, how?). In my current perception both being de-facto the same.

  • Except
  • defining ‘left’ explicitly so if you change from the document from LTR to RTL the table will move to right (at least I assume so)
  • And showing page width in relative in the UI (but 100% would still equal margin to margin)

Relative only changes the unit for the width: unchecked, you give it in centimetres (or whatever unit your locale is in) – this is an “absolute” measurement; checked, this is a percentage of the available width.

Yes 100% is equivalent to Automatic because total width extends from margin to margin.

When you select another alignment than Automatic, the width you define is the invariant with regard to column adjustments.