When editing a document and saving it a blue spinning circle appears for 30 secs?

I’m using ver.
I’m making numerous edits to an odt file and each time I attempt to save each correction a blue circle appears until the save is made. Sometimes the 30 second delay causes a grey out which delays the save even more time to save
Any suggestions what the problem might be??

Which OS?

I remember a blue sinner from macOSX Jaguar/Leopard/Snow Leopard days?
Kubuntu used to have something similar - which is it?

For what it’s worth, a similar problem exists for me on macOS Sonoma, although I don’t get a spinning beachball. Saving any kind of change to Draw file containing an inserted svg / png / tiff leads to a systematic pause, mouse unresponsive in the LO UI, with all menu items greyed out until the save completes.