When I try to sum a column of dollar amounts, it returns 0. I have a column, let’s say, consisting of $1.23, $2,87, and $5.55. I enter the sum function in the cell under $5.55, then click on the $5.55 cell, hold the shift key down, and then click on the $1.23 cell. Those cells are then outlined in red. Then I press Enter. The cell where the formula is now turns to the character “0” (without the quotes).
I’m doing something wrong, of course, but as a newbie, I can’t figure out what that is. Any help appreciated.
The forumula I enter, as an example, is =sum(u395:u397)
Have you added the dollar-signs yourself or are they generated because you specified the format to be a currency? If the format ain’t specified as a currency, the sum-function won’t work as it has to sum up text-strings. Please, check the format-option of the columns used
It seems the data is text rather than numeric.
Instead, format the cells for currency, as described at Cells in Currency Format - LibreOffice Help. Then enter the values as a currency number.
A quick way to do this is Edit → Find & Replace to remove all of the $
. It may help to expand Options and uncheck Regular Expressions.
This question was also answered at [Solved] Calc does not recognise the dollar symbol (View topic) • Apache OpenOffice Community Forum.