When saving after inserting an image, image disappears

In Libreoffice writer (, when I insert an image (not using copy paste, but the insert menu) it appears properly. Then strangely when I save it immediately disappears. Other images I have inserted remain, but the latest image disappears. This has happened to me before with other largish documents (15MB). Libreoffice has also been crashing particularly often lately.

I have tried the same image as both .jpg and .png files, as well as other images, and the same problem re-occurs. Strangely, when I insert the image onto a different page, there is no problem.

Any ideas?
(Btw. this is from Ubuntu 2020.04 LTS)

— added later —

Thanks for the quick response. I have upgraded and it has solved the problem. Best wishes.

Upload a version of your document here.
To upload, edit your initial question.

Without the document can only guess.
The image will probably disappear to another page.
This is possibly due to the anchoring.

Thanks for the quick response. I have upgraded and it has solved the problem. Best wishes.