Where and how to report errors in defaults of autocorrection?

I don’t see this in English and French, but in Romanian it happens often. For example, the latest occurrence of this, oua (the correct form to say a oua[accent on diphthong ua]= “to lay an egg”, or: ar oua=would lay an egg etc) is automatically corrected to ouă[accent on first vowel o] (eggs).

That is related to a trend where auto-correction is used for Romanian to get a word with diacritics by typing the form without them, but it leads to errors like the above. That trend might be related to a past period when diacritics/keyboard layouts for Romanian where less easily accessible.

I can go in settings and remove this, but how can I contribute to the removal of such errors? (Are they related to installed dictionary and thus not to be reported as a LO bug?)

Look at the Improve It page of the libreoffice.org site.

You can also submit a bug report if you consider this is a serious grammar error.

There is also an IRC channel where you can reach developers.

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But note that that IRC channel is for questions like “I want to make my hands dirty in code, and fix this myself, so how do I find code to fix this”, not for “please fix this”.

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What link at “Improve it” can it be other than the bug report? And also because such corrections do indeed give a serious grammar error (give a different word with a different meaning), submitting a bug report seems the only solution.

Well - e.g., you could consider becoming a contributor yourself, trying to fix it. No one knows your ideas and skills better then yourself.

the bug was posted here: 155087 – Autocorrection in Romanian applies to existing words

But it being that “existing words are auto-corrected”, could it be that this is dependent upon the Romanian dictionary, and thus not a LO bug?

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Default autocorrect rules are part of LO source code.

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But the list of words/forms to be auto-corrected is available per-language, and are not there for all languages. Aren’t they dependent on the installed dictionaries?

No they aren’t. We have what people contribute; autocorrect is separate from dictionaries.

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Thank you for that list. I have ended up reading all or almost all of its entries and identifying the wrong corrections. I have listed those (with some case-by-case argumentation) here.

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@cipricus wow, you did a great job!

Some side notes, to help you to see the overall picture, and not get frustrated.

In Reddit post, you wrote:

I haven’t got any encouraging reply to my bug report for the moment, on the contrary. I was so surprised by a dismissing reply …

Please note that at this moment, the bug that you created consists of these:

  • Your original description
  • Your comment 1
  • Your comment 2
  • A comment from Julien, who added the original author of the Romanian autocorrection list, to CC, and asked their feedback
  • Your comment 4
  • Your comment 5
  • Your comment 6
  • Clarification for your confusion from Julien
  • A comment from Bogdan, who had provided many contributions to Romanian dictionaries over the years (you likely refer to this comment as “dismissing”)
  • Your comment 9
  • Your comment 10
  • Your comment 11
  • Your comment 12
  • Your comment 13
  • Your comment 14
  • A comment from Julien, where he adds more people who can provide feedback
  • Your comment 16
  • A comment from Julien
  • Your comment 18
  • Your comment 19
  • A comment from Tex2002ans
  • My comment

In total, you posted 15 out of 21 posts there (please note, that this itself looks like an over-reaction; it is much better to limit the number of posts to an issue, to allow others to see the picture more easily). Only one comment was disagreeing; and disagreement was not worded in any “dismissive” way; it provided an idea why some could consider the status quo in some cases a better alternative; and at the same time, that comment agreed about other pairs.

Please have correct expectations. We all, contributors to LibreOffice, see many cases when people disagree with what we consider a clear case; sometimes the following discussion leads to others agreeing with us, and our ideas being implemented; in other cases, the opposite happens. Please do not consider any disagreement the way you did - as a personal insult.


@mikekaganski - Thank you! - Please put my overreaction mainly on the account of my limited experience with bug reporting (which requires a more formal interaction than the one I’m used with, namely here, on stackexchange or reddit) - and only to a lesser extent on that of my personal rashness. :smiling_face:

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I made the changes: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/151770/2/extras/source/autocorr/lang/ro/DocumentList.xml

Please note the request from Julien. We need you license statement, and then I’ll be able to merge the change, if other Romanian community members do not post their concerns.

Is there a way for me to manually apply the changes I made to my presently installed version of LO?

@cipricus: you had prepared a great patch. A reviewer immediately noticed it, and replied, asking you to provide a license statement, with the link to the documentation. If you sent a license statement, it would already be merged (two weeks ago - I remember I looked at it, and intended to merge it myself).

Is there something preventing you from sending a mail to the development mailing list with a line of "All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license."?

Now I have sent it (it wasn’t clear to me from what address and under what name, in order to be clear who’s who), but now I did it, signed with both real name and nickname and sent from the address used to log in to the libreoffice gerrit etc.

But I have also removed another 2 lines of code (which I had omitted) on the same logic. Is that fine? Can I keep doing that when I find new ones to be removed based on the argument presented under the same bug report?

What about the ones that I haven’t started to remove but that I have argued against in a separate bug report Remove ambiguous Romanian autocorrect entries. Can I simply start making the changes at https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/151770?

Yes, it is absolutely fine. As long as the patch haven’t been merged, you can amend it.
Now I have rebased it, so that there’s no uncaught problems because of the changes made to LibreOffice code in the meanwhile (after you initially prepared your patch), and will merge it when it’s green.

Well, no - as soon as I merge it, this specific change will be locked. But you are definitely welcome to create new changes the same way - and they will be reviewed and merged, just as this one, with the exception that next time, you won’t have to file a license statement (thank you!).

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So, these changes are somehow deeply embeded in the code so that there is no such a file like extras/source/autocorr/lang/ro/DocumentList.xml on my computer that I can replace manually and get all the changes right now?

There’s C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\share\autocorr (path on Windows), with lots of *.dat, each of them being actually a ZIP, and having a bunch of files inside, including that DocumentList.xml. You can replace it, if needed… Or better do it in your profile, where an edited copy would be created: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\LibreOffice\4\user\autocorr.

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