Where are Base forms saved to?

I have created my first database, along with forms.

Now I want to create a ‘switchboard’ form and need to set action to open a form, but I can’t find where the forms were saved to! I even did a search in File Explorer (Windows 10) for the form’s title but it didn’t find anything. My documents folder is on a separate drive (D:)

I thought perhaps it had saved in the same folder as my database, but nothing is there. Can anybody advise me how I find them please?

Open the database.

78734 icon db Base

There you will find the tables, queries, forms and reports.

In the opened database you can work with SQL and create new forms.

Base forms are attached to Writer documents that are embedded in a Base document. However, you can attach forms to stand-alone Wrter, Calc and Draw documents as well.

[Tutorial] Standalone Forms / Switchboard

Simple solution:
Install FreeHSQLDB v.0.4 and run the FreeForms macro which extracts all embedded forms to stand-alone Writer documents using either the registered database name or the Base document’s URL.
Create another office documents with hyperlinks and/or URL buttons pointing to the stand-alone forms.

Thank you! Perfect and now done :smiley: