Where did this option go? It is present in Base6.3/HSQBD(embeded), but is not present in Base6.3 or Base6.4 with /Firebird(embeded). …
Is the intended process with Firebird to only be able to modify views using the main tool-bar SQL window?
Why remove the ‘right-click>edit in SQL’ functionality for table-view items?
Also the the main ‘create view’ seems buggy > ie a view created and saved in the ‘design-mode’ does not appear in the main table list until the whole .odb is saved/closed and re-opened (or tables updated). . Presumably that is also not intended as ‘optimal’, compared to Base6.3/HSQLDB(emb) ?
Are these changes necessary in some way for Firebird?
(ThankYou Libre!)
PS - seems similar to: