where is the Database pane?

I am new to Libreoffice and struggling - it is not user friendly.


I am fairly new to Libreoffice myself and am working my way through tutorials
and stuff like that online.

By the Database pane, do you mean the relationship tables?

The relationship tables can be got to by clicking on the Tools Menu and clicking Relationships.

If its the actual tables you are looking for, its on the Icon bar on the left ‘Tables’, this is
where you create your tables for your database.

Also, I found these tutorials very useful for getting started…
The Frugal Computer Guy - LibreOffice Base tutorials

I hope this helps.

Thank you for your answer. Database pane is the term used in the Libreoffice Get Started Guide for Base (a weird term for database but every thing is weird in Libreoffice). It is found on page 10 of the document. Actually, it refers to the location of a list of databases which i need to find an existing base for CDs and i am getting nowhere.


The Database pane mentioned in the docs is the leftmost panel on the main screen:

image description

‘Database’ is at the top of the pane. When you select the ‘Tables’ icon (at the top), all previously created tables will be listed in the lower center pane labels ‘Tables’. There you should find your CD-Collection table created in the previous steps in the documentation.