Where is the spell-check dictionary for Romanian?

  1. Version - English, component: Romanian spell check dictionary
  2. Operating system: Windows 10, English

Installing version has broken my spell checking down, reducing the available dictionaries to EN-GB and EN-US. In the previous version I had installed spell checking dictionaries for French, Dutch and Romanian. Why were they eliminated by installing This is outrageous.
Romanian being the main language in which I work, and having some work that I need to finish by the end of the year, I started by looking for the Romanian dictionary in the on line extensions. IT IS NO LONGER THERE!!!

Please help me quick, tell me where I can find the spell checking dictionary for Romanian. I know it exists, because I had installed it in the previous versions.

Language-dictionaries are version-specific. Thus, you need to update your dict at exactly the same time as you update the program.

As you state, there are zero lang-packs for windows for However, the good news is that there is a source-dictionary and (I’ve checked) there is Romanian inside the .tar.xy.

All languages are bundled in the Windows installer. To install an additional language it is necessary to re-run the installer and make the appropriate selection.