i want to build a household contents inventory, would you tell me which Libre tool is suitable for doing this job. It needs to be able to have columns for various estimated values aginst each item, in that way it will present as similar to an accounting document
You answered yourself to your question:
It needs to be able to have columns for various estimated values aginst each item
This is a description of a spreadsheet handled by Calc.
Of course, this is a simple solution for an “elementary” problem. If you need something more complex (inventory is “dynamic”: new items are added and removed or quantity may vary daily), you can build a more sophisticated solution with a database controlled by Base. Do that only after experimenting with a spreadsheet to refine your requirement.
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There is a series of LibreOffice tutorials on YouTube by TheFrugalComputerGuy. They are relatively easy to understand and they cover Writer, Calc, Base and even some on Project. I’m starting up a small business and am trying the Base portion to create my inventory, supplier and customer database. It’s well worth a look.
Ajlittoz is absolutely correct in saying to start with a spreadsheet first so you can define what you need to see.