Why a pragraph doesnt accept default style

I have some paragraphs in my document that just doesnt accept the default style. why it might be?

Please reword your question. Press … below it, then the “pencil” icon to enter edit mode.

First, the basics: OS name, LO version and save format (remember we can’t see your screen).

Then, “doesnt accept the default style”, what does it mean?

  • are you applying a style? How? Which one?
  • you mentioned initially a bullet; how did you create it? Button in the toolbar?

How do you format your document? With buttons (toolbar) and keyboard shortcuts? These are called direct formatting and always take precedence over styles. Applying a style after direct formatting can have no effect if the manual attributes conflict with those in the style.

For best diagnostic, attach your file.


As always, my question is clear. As always instead of answering you ask unnecessary questions. Stop trolling my questions in the future and do not answer them again.

…except that it doesn’t give some needed specific information, and some standard information which always should be included.

You know better?

What a nonsense! @ajlittoz answered everything clearly that could be answered without the requestedf informations and without an example document showing the issue.

This is the relevant hint based on the one reasonable guess concerning your actual situation.

… and additional help is offered.
Do you think @ajlittoz got his (currently) 1399 upvoptes for trolling?

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Do you know the hierarchy between paragraph styles, character styles and direct formatting?

How can I recognize which formatting is present?

Does the upper sting the lower?

English documentation

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I am not going to get permission to how to ask my questions.I asked a question. I didnt provide much details. The question is as is. Answer or do not answer. But you cannot criticise me. If I did not provide much details it means I need you best guess about it. May be that will be enough for me. That is what I want first.

A paragraph is not accepting the default style. Why might that be. Make your best guess instead of asking my operating system.

You may have nothing better to do than “teaching how to ask questions” to people here and get some satisfaction from it. But I have things to do. I wrote a simple question. It is as is. Ifou do not provide answer based on that, then stop criticising and take a walk to another question. I will not write a single thing of what he asked. My question is clear in my mind. You guys are the ones who pretend you do not understand the question. And he does this pretending all the time. It looks really funny.

And by the way I solved the answer to my own question right now. All I did was right click when paragraph was selected and click on “clear direct formatting”. And it got back to default paragraph style. It was simple as that.