First, sorry that I am not finding this on the FAQ. I am responding to a prompt to ask a question, and I thought I was going to be searching the faq, by filling out this question field, not bothering someone with what is probably answered already in one of the existing responses.
But I am committed now, so at least it resulted in me registering, which is a good side-effect!
Regards LIbre Office 4.2.3, in the master help file for all Office tools in the Suite.
In various pages in the Help file system for the Libre suite, where I presume an image belongs, there is a little box with inside the box.
Apparently either I didn’t get these images in my installation package, or there is a path problem on my system.
I am using Linux Mint 17 “Quiana”, the build that came with the dvd I created, and this is the office suite that was included by default.
PS THANKS so much for this really wonder set of tools (LibreOffice)! THey are wonderful, and will prompt me to install Linux and LibreOffice tools on my other computers here at home. (This is my very first experience, I am very pleased.)
Tom, in USA