Why are my bullets adding space between lines when I have specified none?

Hello there,

My question is as above; I have checked the bullet spacing and paragraph and line spacing, and they all say single line spacing which as I understand it means there should be no spaces between lines. However, all of the bullet points I have added to my document have set the lines further apart, at 1.5 spacing I would guess.

Can anybody help me rein in these unruly little bastards?

I am using Libre Office Writer version 3.4.4 OOO340m1 (Build:402) if that helps.

Kind regards,

Luke =)

Hi @DoomMidget, Did one of the answers below prove helpful to help you rein-in your unruly bullets?

Hello everybody,

I’m new at LibreOffice, and I’m running into the same problem as above.

I already suspected the bullets from messing up the line spacing and after some testing I determined I’m suffering from the same problem as Luke described up here (over 2 yrs ago).

Unfortunately I don’t see any functional solution…

I even checked “Don’t add space between paragraphs of the same style”.

The Spacing values for above and below paragraph are both set to 0.00.

Line spacing is set to single for each line in my table (i’m using a table with 3 columns to design an invoice. Description, Hours and Price.

I’m listing sub-items in a bulleted list and that’s where the fun starts of unexpected extra vertical spacing… Very unexpected and unpleasant behavior, which I’m not used to in MickeySoft Word…
Still I like Libre Office a lot on my Mac, as it’s lightning fast and when this problem is fixed, I think I’m completely good to go to replace Word.

Does anybody know by now how to tackle this problem please?

And just now I realize there are 9k views to this post and there are now functional solutions…?

I truly hope someone knows the solution here?



SOLUTION: in the dropdown under the open and save buttons on the menu bar “Default Style” is the default usually. Change this to List Paragraph and you’ll have single spaced bullets.

I had the same problem. Spacing was set to single, before and after paragraph spacing set to 0.00". But still the spacing was larger at the bullet points than without bullet points. Then I realized the bullets have their own font and size independent of the text around it. I was typing in Times New Roman 10. When I clicked to the left of the bullet, the font was displayed as Times New Roman 12 (must be the default). Changing this to Times New Roman 10 solved the problem.

This worked for me, but all I had to do was select the whole bullet list, select the font size (which will show as the text size regardless of these 12-point bullets), and pressed Enter to re-enter it.

Worked for me as well. Thank you!

The correct solution is this:
in the dropdown under the open and save buttons on the menu bar “Default Style” is the default usually. Change this to List Paragraph and you’ll have single spaced bullets.

Check in your current Style (probably Default) in the Indents & Spacing tab if Spacing “Above paragraph” and “Below paragraph” are set to zero.

You can do the same under Format, Paragraph but that would only apply to your currently selected bullet list, while changing the Style applies to all in that document.

Learn more about Styles in Chapter 7 of the Writer Guide
