NB this is on Linux (Mint 18.1). LibreOffice
In Writer, if you go Tools → Customise you find that Ctrl-Shift-0 to Ctrl-Shift-9 are greyed out.
Funnily enough I am aware that one of these is in fact a built-in shortcut in LO (I assume that it is not specific to Writer…):
Ctrl-Shift-0, which applies “Default Style”
- NB this actually means, according to my experiments, that it removes any applied Paragraph style but not any applied Character style… to remove the Character style it is “Default Character”, for which I have set the shortcut Alt-Shift-0 in my system.
What about the others? i.e. Ctrl-Shift-1 to Ctrl-Shift-9: do they do something? If not, why can’t I assign them?