Why can I not uncheck my option buttons in my base form?

I am creating a form to insert Data into my database. I have a boolean field. I have created an “option button” On would be “1” or TRUE and off would be “0” or FALSE. If I accidently select this option button when entering data I cannot seem to unselect it. I then have to go out of my form and manually change the table entry?

Why can I not uncheck my option buttons in my base form?

I have ubuntu 14.04 and my libreoffice version is

Boolean controls are tri-state : on, off, or unset. When you select the button without clicking inside, the control gets set to “unset”, and this then appears to block further use of the control.

Have you tried unsetting, in the Advanced Parameters settings of your database connection, the option “Form checks data content” (or something like that) or else playing with the Boolean comparison settings pull down menu at the same place ?