Why can't I change tab stops?

The tab stops are set at 0.50. I want to change the tab stop to 0.20 inch. I change it in Format > Paragraph & it shows up on the document. Then next time that I click on Format > Paragraph, it’s back to 0.50! I even clicked on Delete All & set 0.20 & clicked on New. The next time that I click on Format > Paragraph, it’s back on 0.50!

I have version

Why does it insist on 0.50? How do I change it to 0.20 & keep it there? It’s really making me mad.

Don’t post twice, it confuses contributors. I’ve closed the duplicate question. Please delete it.

You don’t give much detail, not even the measurement unit, which I guess is inches.

The tab stops are set at 0.50.

with plural form. This means you are talking about the evenly spaced tab stop occurring every 0.5" across the full paragraph width (or rather after the last explicitly defined tab stop).

These are globally defined for the document and are independent of paragraph.

To set them, go to Tools>Options, LibreOffice Writer>General.

When you Format>Paragraph, you configure only the current paragraph (and any subsequently created while the cursor is in this paragraph). You add manual tabs which override the global evenly spaced ones up to the last defined.

If you jump to a separate paragraph, the specific configuration is no longer valid and you’re back to the default definition.

Just another guess: a tab as low as 0.2" is indicative of first line indent. This is not the correct way of doing it. Paragraph definition has a parameter called First line indent which is dedicated to that. You don’t need to tab to get the indent; it is automatic.

Yet another guess: you are likely typing in direct formatting mode where all your “decorations” (bold, italics, …) are done manually and vertical spacing with empty paragraph. You are then encouraged to read the Writer guide and learn how styles can facilitate your work (automation, formatting consistency, ease of update, …).

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