Had made a spreadsheet and all used to work Ok . came to use again but was impossible to read only half letters in column and symbols in numbers column. Updated to latest version and was able to work spreadsheet again but I am now unable to print it. It says no data. Site is very difficult to understand.
If you expect any decent answer, abide by the rules of this site. Read these guidelines and edit your question to provide clues about what’s happening.
Minimum technical information includes OS name and LO version (“latest version” changes every 2 months or so! and it is not the same on all OS’s). Or else, give us your physical address so that we can ring home and see what you’re doing on your computer.
Apparently, you have a problem with a spreadsheet. Retag your question to mention calc
. Tag common
is for installation, packaging, global configuration, … issues. Most of “regulars” here use the tag system to be notified of questions in their centers of interest. If you tag erroneously, you may wait for a long time.
Duplicate of https://ask.libreoffice.org/en/question/245764/why-cant-i-print-it-says-no-data/.
Delete this occurrence. Posting once is enough.
Was closed for reason “duplicate”. Reopened. The other duplicate seems to have been deleted instead of this one.
Retagged based on question detail.
Site is very difficult to understand.
The Q/A structure of this service is different from the forum structure you find in many other services with similar purpose (and similar initial appearance). It may take a while to get used to.
@keme: which illustrates once more the danger of duplicates. It is very easy to delete the wrong one or answer the other.
@lenj: as was suggested in the other occurrence, you probably messed up the definition of the print area. Attach your spreadsheet to your question by editing it. In principle, you don’t need karma points to do it, but if you meet difficulties, report here.