why can't libreoffice calc open this xlsx file, from third-party software


The attached file was generated from scratch using an export utility called SMExport connected to a database, I can open the file without problems from Mac-Numbers 5.2, MS Excel 2010 and OpenOffice Calc 4.0, but I can’t open it with LibreOffice Calc 6.0, it says that it is corrupt.

I have LibreOffice


I can confirm that LibreOffice and can’t open the file, but Apache OpenOffice 4.2.0 (a development build AOO420m1(Build:9800) - Rev. 1692551 Rev.1692551) can open it. Might be a bug in the XLSX filter, however, the file might be somewhat non-conformant to the file format specs.

There seems to be an error while analysing the zip file directory, if the zip internal directory entries aren’t broken somehow. Please submit a bug at https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/ and attach the file there, and report back the resulting bug number here. Thanks.


Thanks! .