Why can't run libreoffice in background?

Why can’t run the command in the background?

/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin    \
--headless                                  \
--invisible                                 \
--nocrashreport                             \
--nodefault                                 \
--nofirststartwizard                        \
--nologo --norestore                        \

Cross posted earlier on the AOO forum where the problem was resolved. Solution; learn how to use the feature of Linux that allows running commands in background.

If you cross post, as a courtesy please let us know that you have done so, otherwise it leads to several discussions and a waste of time because several identical answers may be posted by different users.

Because a program usually does not decide this after it was started. You tell it in the shell wich starts the programm - for bash you simply add an ampersand & to the command-line.
So “Why… ?” should be replaced by “How to …?”

(Written only to have an “answer” here.)