I only work with styles within any editor (because I intend to work on large and professionnal documents).
I would like to define a character style which will only depend on the “Default Style”.
Let’s take an example with a style I need: “Important”.
This character style named “Important” will be used within any paragraph to just change the Font Typeface from “Regular” to “Bold”.
I want to get the same result whichever is the actual paragraph font in use in my actual paragraph.
Here is how I proceeded.
My cursor is on a paragraph of style “P1”. P1 is using typeface Papyrus, 16pt.
I defined a new character style named “Important” with the function “New Style from Selection”.
Within “Organizer” I choosed Linked with “Default Style”. LibreOffice displayed an error message:
This Style cannot be used as a base Style,
because it would result in a recursive reference.
I can’t understand how defining a relation as simple as
Default Style → Important
might cause any form of recursion: there is no loop of dependency there.
Why is this relative definition blocked?
I feel that such a relative definition is very practical and basic need.
To ensure all my character styles won’t stay stiff
if I decide to change a full range of paragrahs styles I need relative character definitions and not absolute